
“The ceremony experience with Niko was the door opening to a healing journey beyond imagining. It was the catalyst to an unfolding of my internal walls, exposing a place of calm openness I did not know was possible for me. It showed me what it means to trust and surrender to my inner wisdom, to the Divine within. I will be forever grateful.”

“Niko Whitefeather's authenticity brings a sense of calm and safety that allows me to fully release in his presence. I am blessed to experience his deeply connected relationship with plant medicine. As a client, I have come appreciative of the long and thoughtful journey he has taken to develop himself as a humble and compassionate servant. Whether guiding a private or group ceremony, Niko gives all of himself with honor and reverence. I am profoundly grateful for his gifts and how they have impacted me and my family.” 

“Niko is a ceremonialist of the deepest sincerity. I feel immense trust in him because he respects my spiritual and cognitive sovereignty. Niko is loving and kind and provides ample time and attention for those under his care. He is also a phenomenal musician who's songs provide a steady current of peace on which to travel. His humble devotion to the light is evident in the multitude of lives he has touched. Niko is a brave and gentle healer who is committed to a purposeful life of service. We are all so lucky to know him.” 

“Niko facilitated my first ever guided experience. Up until then I’d had a bunch of trips with close friends/family and they were all powerful in their own way. This one with Niko goes down as one of the best experiences of my entire life. He knew exactly how to treat me and helped me feel very comfortable so that I could let go. He knew precisely where to interject to make the biggest impact and then just let me unfold myself. It was completely life changing and I am a new/better version of myself because of it. Niko is a professional and such a warm person. I can truly say that he will always have a special place in my heart. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to have their own transformational experience.”

“As a burned-out licensed professional counselor, I knew that traditional talk therapy and/or medication would not help me; so, I reached out to Niko, desperate to try something new. After just a couple of sessions, I had regained hope, broken through core issues stemming from unresolved trauma, and was on my way to true healing and transformation. I find Niko to be a deeply compassionate person who offers person- centered attentiveness to a degree that I have rarely experienced from clinical mental health professionals. Most importantly, I felt safe and well-held during my sessions with Niko. I do not hesitate to recommend Niko to anyone interested in receiving guided support, to help you on your own healing journey.” 

“My experience with Niko was profound. Niko has a genuine air about himself that is trustworthy and welcoming. He created a physically safe and energetically secure space that assisted me in surrendering fully into the ceremony. I was given an incredible multidimensional experience that has me feeling less fear and more unconditional love for myself and others. Niko’s amazing journey across continents supports his sacred purpose and he now sits as a guide for many, sharing his gift with humanity.” 

"I can't recommend the ceremonies enough, Niko helped me accept that I can trust myself and that my true inner voice is a Divine presence that will never lead me astray."

"I met Niko almost a year ago when I was in search of a “trip sitter” to be with me during my first psychedelic session. Niko proved to be so much more than a companion by my side; he was and still is a dynamic, principled, and devoted spiritual guide. I consider my work with Niko to be a personal blessing and am forever grateful for his talent and skill in the healing arts of sacred medicine."

“My ceremony with Niko was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. From our very first meeting, I felt so safe and knew I was in the hands of someone who was incredibly knowledgeable and who truly cared. Niko saw me almost immediately. It seemed that right away, he was attuned to my soul. He barely knew me, yet he understood, more so than I ever did, parts of me that were in pain and needed healing. He helped me get in touch with feelings and self-beliefs that have been weighing on me for 50 years! Niko is a true healer and his wisdom is a gift. I am truly blessed to have him be a part of my healing process.”