Our Team

Our team includes therapeutic practitioners, medicine holders, and spiritual practitioners, each bringing years of experience and unique perspective to our retreats. Each retreat is supported by a novel constellation of team members alongside founder Niko Whitefeather. Meet us below.

Our Team

Our team includes therapeutic practitioners, medicine holders, and spiritual practitioners, each bringing years of experience and unique perspective to our retreats. Each retreat is supported by a novel constellation of team members alongside founder Niko Whitefeather. Meet us below.

Niko Whitefeather


Niko Whitefeather

Niko Whitefeather, a father, husband, brother, and ceremonialist, is deeply immersed in the realms of plant medicine and sacred traditions. With over 15 years of experience working with psilocybin and a decade of holding space in plant medicine realms, Niko considers it a great blessing to walk alongside others on their journeys of personal growth and healing.

His path as a ceremonialist began amidst a deep sense of confusion and pain from a young age, evolving into a clear sense of purpose and service through the use of sacred medicines and earth-based traditions. Niko’s healing journey led him from an in-patient treatment program in Oregon, through South and Central America, where plant medicine ceremonies and indigenous practices catalyzed monumental transformations, sparking a significant shift in his consciousness and igniting his dedication to service and healing.

For the past decade, Niko has been deeply engaged in mediumistic Afro-Brazilian traditions, studying, healing, and developing himself while growing  in his responsibilities to assist and hold the space for others. Through this sacred journey, he has learned from elders and under the supervision of his mentors deepened his understanding of spiritual practices including energetic healing and prayer.

Transitioning to offering therapeutic spaces and healing sessions full-time in 2021, Niko has had the privilege of holding space for well over 200 individuals across the Americas, providing support and guidance through organizations like Psychedelic Passage, legal entheogenic churches, and his independent practice.

Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Integrative Psychedelic Therapy through the Ecstatic Mysticism program at AWE Institute, Niko is learning at the intersection of transpersonal psychology and indigenous wisdom. Influenced by lineages such as the Santo Daime, Umbanda, and Spiritism, his approach to healing and transformation is enriched by a deep study of the unseen.

Niko's approach to holding space is rooted in compassion, the autonomy of the participant, and the belief that every symptom, whether emotional, physical, or spiritual, signifies a healing process already underway. His guiding question is, "What is blossoming in this moment?" With a grounded heart and deep faith, Niko creates a space of calm and openness, gently coaxing individuals to embrace the truth of their potential. He sees his role as holding space for each person's innate capacity to transform themselves, fostering an environment of open receptivity to the potential in each moment. Each day Niko seeks to bridge heaven and earth within himself first, then sincerely extends that sacred connection to each of the people he serves.

Find Niko’s individual offerings at North Star Council, and on instagram at @niko.whitefeather.

Maggie Medlin


Maggie Medlin

I am lit by the inner flame of curiosity to know and love myself and the world beyond the stories of limitation and fear, and the heat of this love is what brings me here into this offering space. There is great joy in my being when I’m able to support a fellow human to see/feel/know what hasn’t been possible or available before, and to experience the satisfaction of greater freedom, love and creativity. 

In my own journey, I can see the stoking of this fire in the two years I spent living and training at a Zen Buddhist Monastery. It was there I began to learn how to sit in the heat of myself and not get nearly as burned! Two and three month meditation retreats have given me the gift of plumbing the depths of the present moment, and I bring a strong quality of this mindfulness to my work with others.

The inner flame also shows up as a longtime love of theater and expressing the multitude of “selves” on the great stage of Being. It brought me to Voice Dialogue somatic parts work, and gave permission to the multitudes of me to have their own particular time and space to be expressed, to be known and felt. I find that it untangles the knot of our inner contradictions and expands outward into the mandala, the constellation, the open space of awareness.

I have a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and I have completed a year of Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training, Voice Dialogue Parts Work Facilitator Training, and several years of study and participation in the transformational ceremonial practices of the Santo Daime, for which I am endlessly grateful. I have also completed the Gift of the Body Healer's training through the Essential Light Institute. I am a devoted student of the Diamond Approach psychospiritual method of self-inquiry and the practice of unfolding presence.

Hart Dasteel


Hart Dasteel

Hart is a psychedelic integration coach and ceremonialist, offering guidance for healing from trauma, ancestral wounding, attachment ruptures, and disconnection from one’s authentic self and the Earth. Hart has experience working with a unique synthesis of psychedelic integration modalities within a safe, intentional container, supporting his clients in alchemizing the most powerful experiences of their lives into a new version of everyday reality. Hart holds a B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology and is a licensed massage therapist with advanced certification in several modalities. He has trained extensively in “Emotional Freedom Technique”, as well as various forms of breathwork including SOMA Breath. Hart completed a year-long intensive through Shiri Godassi’s Psychedelic School, where he is certified as a psychedelic integration coach. Hart holds a holistically trauma informed integration practice, working closely with Internal Family Systems (IFS) and somatic attachment techniques.

Personally, Hart’s interests and passions revolve around a consistent rhythm of daily life primarily focused on parenting, working with clients, healing/spiritual practices (yoga, breathwork, EFT, and more), a weekly men’s circle with dear brothers, and family gatherings. Playing with his children is a Number One priority, allowing any tense layers to shed and making room for his inner child to come out and have fun!

Find Hart’s individual offerings at Entheo Genesis, and on instagram at @hart.medicine and @alchemyofbrotherhood.

Jenn Jones, UNIUN Retreat Ceremonialist

I am the daughter of Marilyn and Joshua, and granddaughter of Alexander, Wanda, John, and Jesse Mae. I was born of Romani, Ashkenazi, Ukranian, Seminole, Igbo, and Mbundu ancestors.

I am a graduate of Princeton University and have studied environmental, human-centered design at ArtCenter College of Design and pursued an M.F.A. in film and storytelling at the American Film Institute. I’m part of the AWE.ngo psychedelic therapy, history, and ethics program, Ecstatic Mysticism. I also hold an M.A. in Integral Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and I am currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Naropa University.

Additionally, I teach, write, and speak about entheogens, consciousness, and the Dharma. You can find a list of my practices, modalities, and inspirations here. My couples and group practice is called Alchemic Relation, and you can learn more about that here. I also co-founded and teach at We Touch The Earth, a co-creative community dharma experiment and gathering space.

Find Jenn’s individual offerings at Prima Materia.


Jenn Jones

I am a transpersonal guide and counselor, Dharma teacher, and ally. My approach is holistic, somatic, decolonized, and interdisciplinary — based on the non-dual contemplative traditions, the esoteric mystery traditions, animistic, nature-based practices, entheogenic medicine work, modern science, and integral liberation psychology.

I love to be an ally to individuals, couples, or groups who want to develop mindfulness, deepen awareness, open to awakened nature, reweave themselves into Earth and community, and integrate and embody what they discover. Additionally, I enjoy guiding those who want to build an embodied connection to symbolic language, inner wisdom, creativity, and soul. I offer allyship and group teaching in the existential, spiritual, and transpersonal realms. I embrace depth, paradox, light-heartedness, and enlightened possibility.

From the age of 17, I have been a student and practitioner of diverse spiritual teachings, alchemy, art, dance, history, philosophy, and anthropology. I have been blessed with direct access to incredible teachers and mentors from all over the world who have been essential on this 30+ year path — Emmet GowinPeter Bunnell, Baba Hari DassDaijaku Judith KinstAnna Halprin, Chad Hamrin, Bia Labate, Khandro Kunzang, Lama Justin von Bujdoss, Hal Lucius Nation, Ramiro Peralta, Alejandra Soto, Pampamesayok Don Agustin Machacca Flores, and my primary teacher, Jennifer Welwood. I am also a decades-long practitioner of Dzogchen and Mahamudra, and these philosophies, along with Taoism, deeply inform my offerings.

Cecelia Sun

Cecelia Sun

Cecelia supports UNIUN with both outward-facing and behind-the-scenes endeavors, including social media and website management, administrative tasks, and an unlimited listening ear for all of Niko’s beautiful ideas. Cecelia came to the threshold of psychedelic-assisted healing after a period of profound mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dis-ease that was unaided by modern western paradigms of healing. Her experiences working with entheogens opened the door to deep wellness, with the support of somatic practices, creative expression, energy work, expansive nutrition, and community. With humility and gratitude, she embraces the opportunity to walk alongside others as they find their own path through the shadows.

Cecelia is devoted to the creation of a peaceful world in which we all remember how to tend to ourselves, one another, and the earth with gentleness. Her primary work is as a healthcare provider, companioning families through postpartum and early childhood. She also offers website design and front-end web development for creatives and holistic wellness businesses. Cecelia is a poet, song carrier, and artist. She is a loving wife, daughter, granddaughter, and sister. She engages in an ongoing study of healing through expanded states of consciousness, both individually and in collective spaces.

Find Cecelia’s design offerings at Cecelia Sun Design.


Niko Whitefeather, a father, husband, brother, and ceremonialist, is deeply immersed in the realms of plant medicine and sacred traditions. With over 15 years of experience working with psilocybin and a decade of holding space in plant medicine realms, Niko considers it a great blessing to walk alongside others on their journeys of personal growth and healing.

His path as a ceremonialist began amidst a deep sense of confusion and pain from a young age, evolving into a clear sense of purpose and service through the use of sacred medicines and earth-based traditions. Niko’s healing journey led him from an in-patient treatment program in Oregon, through South and Central America, where plant medicine ceremonies and indigenous practices catalyzed monumental transformations, sparking a significant shift in his consciousness and igniting his dedication to service and healing.

For the past decade, Niko has been deeply engaged in mediumistic Afro-Brazilian traditions, studying, healing, and developing himself while growing  in his responsibilities to assist and hold the space for others. Through this sacred journey, he has learned from elders and under the supervision of his mentors deepened his understanding of spiritual practices including energetic healing and prayer.

Transitioning to offering therapeutic spaces and healing sessions full-time in 2021, Niko has had the privilege of holding space for well over 200 individuals across the Americas, providing support and guidance through organizations like Psychedelic Passage, legal entheogenic churches, and his independent practice.

Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Integrative Psychedelic Therapy through the Ecstatic Mysticism program at AWE Institute, Niko is learning at the intersection of transpersonal psychology and indigenous wisdom. Influenced by lineages such as the Santo Daime, Umbanda, and Spiritism, his approach to healing and transformation is enriched by a deep study of the unseen.

Niko's approach to holding space is rooted in compassion, the autonomy of the participant, and the belief that every symptom, whether emotional, physical, or spiritual, signifies a healing process already underway. His guiding question is, "What is blossoming in this moment?" With a grounded heart and deep faith, Niko creates a space of calm and openness, gently coaxing individuals to embrace the truth of their potential. He sees his role as holding space for each person's innate capacity to transform themselves, fostering an environment of open receptivity to the potential in each moment. Each day Niko seeks to bridge heaven and earth within himself first, then sincerely extends that sacred connection to each of the people he serves.

Find Niko’s individual offerings at North Star Council, and on Instagram at @niko.whitefeather.

Niko Whitefeather

Maggie Medline


I am lit by the inner flame of curiosity to know and love myself and the world beyond the stories of limitation and fear, and the heat of this love is what brings me here into this offering space. There is great joy in my being when I’m able to support a fellow human to see/feel/know what hasn’t been possible or available before, and to experience the satisfaction of greater freedom, love and creativity. 

In my own journey, I can see the stoking of this fire in the two years I spent living and training at a Zen Buddhist Monastery. It was there I began to learn how to sit in the heat of myself and not get nearly as burned! Two and three month meditation retreats have given me the gift of plumbing the depths of the present moment, and I bring a strong quality of this mindfulness to my work with others.

The inner flame also shows up as a longtime love of theater and expressing the multitude of “selves” on the great stage of Being. It brought me to Voice Dialogue somatic parts work, and gave permission to the multitudes of me to have their own particular time and space to be expressed, to be known and felt. I find that it untangles the knot of our inner contradictions and expands outward into the mandala, the constellation, the open space of awareness.

I have a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and I have completed a year of Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training, Voice Dialogue Parts Work Facilitator Training, and several years of study and participation in the transformational ceremonial practices of the Santo Daime, for which I am endlessly grateful. I have also completed the Gift of the Body Healer's training through the Essential Light Institute. I am a devoted student of the Diamond Approach psychospiritual method of self-inquiry and the practice of unfolding presence.

Maggie Medlin

Hart Dasteel


Hart is a psychedelic integration coach and ceremonialist, offering guidance for healing from trauma, ancestral wounding, attachment ruptures, and disconnection from one’s authentic self and the Earth. Hart has experience working with a unique synthesis of psychedelic integration modalities within a safe, intentional container, supporting his clients in alchemizing the most powerful experiences of their lives into a new version of everyday reality. Hart holds a B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology and is a licensed massage therapist with advanced certification in several modalities. He has trained extensively in Emotional Freedom Technique, as well as various forms of breathwork including SOMA Breath. Hart completed a year-long intensive through Shiri Godassi’s Psychedelic School, where he is certified as a psychedelic integration coach. Hart holds a holistically trauma informed integration practice, working closely with Internal Family Systems (IFS) and somatic attachment techniques.

Personally, Hart’s interests and passions revolve around a consistent rhythm of daily life primarily focused on parenting, working with clients, healing/spiritual practices (yoga, breathwork, EFT, and more), a weekly men’s circle with dear brothers, and family gatherings. Playing with his children is a Number One priority, allowing any tense layers to shed and making room for his inner child to come out and have fun!

Find Hart’s individual offerings at Entheo Genesis, and on Instagram at @hart.medicine and @alchemyofbrotherhood.

Hart Dasteel


I am a transpersonal guide and counselor, Dharma teacher, and ally. My approach is holistic, somatic, decolonized, and interdisciplinary — based on the non-dual contemplative traditions, the esoteric mystery traditions, animistic, nature-based practices, entheogenic medicine work, modern science, and integral liberation psychology.

I love to be an ally to individuals, couples, or groups who want to develop mindfulness, deepen awareness, open to awakened nature, reweave themselves into Earth and community, and integrate and embody what they discover. Additionally, I enjoy guiding those who want to build an embodied connection to symbolic language, inner wisdom, creativity, and soul. I offer allyship and group teaching in the existential, spiritual, and transpersonal realms. I embrace depth, paradox, light-heartedness, and enlightened possibility.

From the age of 17, I have been a student and practitioner of diverse spiritual teachings, alchemy, art, dance, history, philosophy, and anthropology. I have been blessed with direct access to incredible teachers and mentors from all over the world who have been essential on this 30+ year path — Emmet GowinPeter Bunnell, Baba Hari DassDaijaku Judith KinstAnna Halprin, Chad Hamrin, Bia Labate, Khandro Kunzang, Lama Justin von Bujdoss, Hal Lucius Nation, Ramiro Peralta, Alejandra Soto, Pampamesayok Don Agustin Machacca Flores, and my primary teacher, Jennifer Welwood. I am also a decades-long practitioner of Dzogchen and Mahamudra, and these philosophies, along with Taoism, deeply inform my offerings.

I am the daughter of Marilyn and Joshua, and granddaughter of Alexander, Wanda, John, and Jesse Mae. I was born of Romani, Ashkenazi, Ukranian, Seminole, Igbo, and Mbundu ancestors.

I am a graduate of Princeton University and have studied environmental, human-centered design at ArtCenter College of Design and pursued an M.F.A. in film and storytelling at the American Film Institute. I’m part of the AWE.ngo psychedelic therapy, history, and ethics program, Ecstatic Mysticism. I also hold an M.A. in Integral Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and I am currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Naropa University.

Additionally, I teach, write, and speak about entheogens, consciousness, and the Dharma. You can find a list of my practices, modalities, and inspirations here. My couples and group practice is called Alchemic Relation, and you can learn more about that here. I also co-founded and teach at We Touch The Earth, a co-creative community dharma experiment and gathering space.

Find Jenn’s individual offerings at Prima Materia.

Jenn Jones

Cecelia Sun

Cecelia Sun

Cecelia supports UNIUN with both outward-facing and behind-the-scenes endeavors, including social media and website management, administrative tasks, and an unlimited listening ear for all of Niko’s beautiful ideas. Cecelia came to the threshold of psychedelic-assisted healing after a period of profound mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dis-ease that was unaided by modern western paradigms of healing. Her experiences working with entheogens opened the door to deep wellness, with the support of somatic practices, creative expression, energy work, expansive nutrition, and community. With humility and gratitude, she embraces the opportunity to walk alongside others as they find their own path through the shadows.

Cecelia is devoted to the creation of a peaceful world in which we all remember how to tend to ourselves, one another, and the earth with gentleness. Her primary work is as a healthcare provider, companioning families through postpartum and early childhood. She also offers website design and front-end web development for creatives and holistic wellness businesses. Cecelia is a poet, song carrier, and artist. She is a loving wife, daughter, granddaughter, and sister. She engages in an ongoing study of healing through expanded states of consciousness, both individually and in collective spaces.

Find Cecelia’s offerings at Cecelia Sun Design.

Interested in collaborating with UNIUN?

We welcome those who are interested in collaborating to develop and facilitate retreats.
Feel free to reach out via our
contact page to share about yourself and your offerings.

Interested in collaborating?

We welcome those who are interested in collaborating to develop and facilitate retreats. Feel free to reach out via our contact page to share about yourself and your offerings.